Yusei Yagi
Yusei Yagi
Yusei is a member of a Jpop group Fantastics from Exile Tribe, managed by LDH. Despite being musically inclined, up until college he only focused on soccer. When he got injured and couldn't play, he took it as an opportunity to pursue singing. In 2017, when LDH announced Vocal Battle Audition 5 to find vocalists for one of their groups, Fantastics, Yusei auditioned and was one of the winners along with Nakajima Sota. He made his debut in Fantastics in 2018. He participated in the competition Best Body Japan 2016 and placed 2nd in the category Mister Best Body Super Model.
Known For Acting
Most Rating 4.068
Birthday 1997-05-06
Place of Birth Tokyo, Japan
Also Known As 八木 勇征,