The Night Riders
The Night Riders
20 minutes
Jack Marston is the sheriff of a western town and Jennie, his sister, is postmistress and operator at the stage station. Among the inhabitants of the town is an Indian breed. An outcast from his own people, he is looked down upon by the race of his adoption, although his education has included a college course. The express company has posted a reward for the apprehension of one Apache Kid and his band of fellow robbers. The next night the band arrive in the town and hold up one of the main saloons. Peggy, a dance hall girl, takes the fancy of the leader, the Apache Kid, and he abducts her and takes her with them when they make their escape.
Genres Western
Stars Neal Hart, Olive Carey, William Steele, Joe Rickson, Peggy Coudray
Directors Jacques Jaccard, Jacques Jaccard
The Night Riders