Broncho Billy and the Squatter's Daughter
Broncho Billy and the Squatter's Daughter
11 minutes
Broncho Billy, half crazed with liquor, enters a saloon and demands a bottle of whiskey. This he absorbs about half, which places his physical and mental condition in a state of sub-consciousness. Completely intoxicated, Broncho Billy is placed on his horse and led away. Having ridden a few miles in this condition, he falls off his mount unconscious. Mabel Clark, a squatter's daughter, discovers him by the roadside, washes off his aching brow, and brings him to.
Genres Western
Stars Gilbert M. Anderson, Bess Sankey, Victor Potel, Willis Elder
Directors Gilbert M. Anderson, Gilbert M. Anderson, Gilbert M. Anderson
Broncho Billy and the Squatter's Daughter