Through My Midwinter
Through My Midwinter
100 minutes
Kyung-hak, who has been studying to become a police officer, is forced to pay back his mother’s debt of $20,000. Already struggling and having to work part- time while studying, Kyung-hak is now forced to make big monthly loan payments on top. Eventually, Kyung-hak stops studying and becomes a deliveryman to make ends meet. Meanwhile, cracks start to form in his relationship with his beloved girlfriend Hye-jin.
Genres Drama, Romance
Stars Kwon Da-ham, Kwon So-hyun, Oh Ji-hye, Lee Han-ju, Gye Young-ho
Directors Oh Seong-ho, Oh Seong-ho, Lee Tae-yeong, Kwak Kyung-ho, Oh Se-ho
Through My Midwinter