Skeleton Flowers
Skeleton Flowers
105 minutes
High school student, Yo, lived with her father, Nao, after her mother, Sachiyo, left the family when she was very young. However, their life together came to an end and they started a new life as a family of four with her father's second marriage partner, Miko, and her stepdaughter, four-year-old Hinata. She confides in Riku, who belongs to the same art club as Yo, about her confusion about this new life. Yo, who has been developing curiosity for her biological mother, Sachiyo, promises to go with Riku to Sachiyo's art exhibition.
Genres Drama, Romance, Family
Stars Sara Shida, Ouji Suzuka, Arata Iura, Hikari Ishida, Akiko Kikuchi
Directors Misumi Kubo, Kaori Sawai, Rikiya Imaizumi, Rikiya Imaizumi, Gary Ashiya
Skeleton Flowers