Masih Adakah Cinta
Masih Adakah Cinta
96 minutes
A naughty high school graduate, Randi, has his eyes on Maya, a beautiful girl he once wooed. So he enrolls in Padjajaran University, Bandung, where Maya studies. Slowly he manages to date her. After they are intimate, Randi receives a scholarship to Tokyo. Randi goes to Tokyo after impregnating Maya. She is confused when she has to face Randi’s parents and also her own mother (who explains that Maya is the daughter of Anwari Sudjarwadi, Randi’s father). Eventually, Maya marries Randi’s friend, the impotent Deni. Randi is called home by his parents who regret trying to use money to solve the pregnancy problem. Randi’s return leads to many misunderstandings. Apparently Randi is Anwari’s adopted son because his mother is infertile.
Genres Drama, Romance
Stars Herman Felani, Lydia Kandou, Junaedi Salat, Kusno Sudjarwadi, Susy Bolle
Directors Rachmat Kartolo, Alex A. Hassan, Rachmat Kartolo, Rinto Harahap, H. Asmawi
Masih Adakah Cinta