Feminino Plural
Feminino Plural
80 minutes
"Seven women on motorcycles, through Via Dutra, go to the Baixada Fluminense, a microcosm of Brazil. Diving into the memory and questioning the behavior imposed on women, they seek to rescue the strength of the feminine. The new woman, born in the Brazilian land, incorporates the Amazons and Santa Guerreira. At his side, the new man, more loose and creative. Closing the cycle, the initial road is resumed. " (HBH / QC)
Genres Drama
Stars Adriana de Figueiredo, Dorinha Duval, Léa Garcia, Catalina Bonakie, Angela Figueiredo
Directors Vera de Figueiredo, Walter Goulart, Guilherme Magalhães Vaz, Amauri Alves, Vera de Figueiredo
Feminino Plural