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23 minutes
Tanya is 40 years old, has an adult daughter and a reliable husband, whose birthday it is today. That means, after work the whole family goes to a restaurant. Tanya’s plans are crossed by her first great love, Denis, who has suddenly arrived in Moscow for business. Tanya and Denis spend this day together, and for a while forget that they are no longer 20. This id different from all the other seldom meetings, because Denis puts Tanya before a choice: here is her stable life where there is a husband and a daughter, and there is a ticket to Berlin where they can go together and try to make up all the years they have missed out.
Genres Drama
Stars Viktoriya Tolstoganova, Anatoliy Belyy, Kirill Grebenshchikov, Veronika Amirkhanova, Alexandr Porshin
Directors Karina Chuvikova, Karina Chuvikova, Julia Korol, Alexandr Panichkin, Ekaterina Yaremenko
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