Joshi Camera
Joshi Camera
78 minutes
Miki (Kaoru Mitsumune), Aya (Mika Kumagai), Megumi (Miyako Takayama) and Haruka (Yukiyo Sono) are friends in the same photography club at their university. They often spend their time together at "Tide-Pool" tea shop, run by Miki's parents. One month before they graduate, they girls plan a graduation trip, but Miki is unable to join due to her studies. Also, Haruka lost the girls' trip money. They all make up, but next month they'll go their separate ways. Miki feels empty ...
Stars Kaoru Mitsumune, Mika Kumagai, Miyako Takayama, Yukiyo Sono, The Great Gidayû
Directors Munetoshi Mukai, Munetoshi Mukai
Joshi Camera