The Wolf Hunters
The Wolf Hunters
118 minutes
Nikolajsen is shocked by the news that he has an adult daughter who lives in Jutland – where wild wolves wander! His friends – the baker, the butcher, the tailor and the shoemaker – are entranced by the honour and glory they would gain by venturing forth and exterminating the feral wolves. Unfortunately for their chances of success, Nikolajsen and Co. decide to hire Pat and Patachon as their hunting guides. And so the wolf hunters will probably end up chasing their own tails for a while before Nikolajsen can be reunited with his daughter. (
Genres Comedy
Stars Carl Schenstrøm, Harald Madsen, Oscar Stribolt, Stina Berg, Christian Schrøder
Directors Hugo Fischer, Carlo Bentsen, Arnold Vilhelm Olsen, Lau Lauritzen Sr., Orla Brok
The Wolf Hunters