One Night
One Night
139 minutes
This film revolves with miscommunication and misunderstanding of two couples and their family which cause series of laughter. Sushavan Dutta and his wife, Anita, were invited at their relative Digbijay babu's house. While in journey Anita misses train and Sushavan has to journey with another lady Santana. Santana is the wife of famous political leader Shailesh. At night they take shelter as husband and wife in Gosaiji's hotel, Harimatar Panthashala because Gosaiji allows married couples only. Santana carries a puppy with her, which run away from the garden of the hotel and Sushovan has to chase it at night. When Anita's mother comes to know that Sushavan is untraced, she becomes angry and make chaotic situation.
Genres Drama, Comedy
Stars Suchitra Sen, Uttam Kumar, Tulsi Chakraborty, Bhanu Banerjee, Anup Kumar
Directors Harendranath Chattopadhyay, Chitta Basu, Sandhya Mukhopadhyay, Balai Chand Mukhopadhyay, Gauri Prasanna Mazumder
One Night