Between Men and the Gods
Between Men and the Gods
89 minutes
Hozumi is a doctor and he is friends with manga artist Soeda. They both like Asako who works at a tropical fish shop. Hozumi eventually gives up Asako for his friend Soeda. Soeda and Asako decide to get married, but, after they get married, Soeda dates another woman and abuses Asako. He even pushes Asako to have an affair with Hozumi. Hozumi still has feelings for Asako, but his love changes to hatred.
Genres Drama
Stars Kiyohiko Shibukawa, Shigeyuki Totsugi, Chika Uchida, Kinuo Yamada, Keiko Banzai
Directors Nozomi Satô, Junichirō Tanizaki, Eiji Uchida, Eiji Uchida, Tomohiko Satô
Between Men and the Gods