Circus Jim
Circus Jim
43 minutes
After the death of their father, a travelling showman, Iris Belmore and her little brother Billy are engaged to play in a circus owned by George Munro. Jim, a young man their father had adopted, comes home after he has been at the sea, where he has saved the lives of Lady Rosemount and her son during a shipwreck. Jim, a sharpshooter, also joins Munro’s circus and shows Iris and Billy much kindness. Iris and Jim do a sharpshooting act together. Munro’s jealousy is aroused when he sees that their friendship is growing into love. In revenge he tampers with Jim’s revolver, with the result that an accident happens in the ring and Iris is slightly wounded. Jim gives Munro a severe thrashing and leaves the circus, taking Iris and Billy with him, in search of other employment. While tramping the country, they meet Lady Rosemount and her husband. Sir Henry, hearing their story and wishing to show his gratitude, buys Munro’s circus and makes Jim the manager, on condition that he marries Iris. ×
Genres Comedy, Romance
Stars Evelyn Brent, Norman Doxat-Pratt, Jack Doxat-Pratt, Fred Homann, Nico De Jong
Directors Jan Smit, A.G. Granger, Maurits Binger, Bernard Edwin Doxat-Pratt, Feiko Boersma
Circus Jim