Nietzsche Sils Maria Rochedo de Surlej
Nietzsche Sils Maria Rochedo de Surlej
58 minutes
Bressane (together with his partner Rosa Dias and young filmmaker Rodrigo Lima) guide us through the beautiful Swiss Sils Maria, where Nietzsche spent no less than eight summers. In his letters, Nietzsche indicates which spots brought him to a different understanding of philosophy. He discovered, beyond the philosophical text, a source for ideas in the pure air, in the mountain landscapes, in the water of the lakes, and in the age-old forests.
Genres Documentary
Stars Júlio Bressane, Rosa Dias
Directors Rodrigo Lima, Júlio Bressane, Júlio Bressane, Júlio Bressane, Júlio Bressane
Nietzsche Sils Maria Rochedo de Surlej