The Stoker
The Stoker
83 minutes
A shell-shocked Afghanistan war hero named Ivan Skryabin (Mikhail Skryabin) spends his days stoking the fire in a giant coal furnace. When he isn’t tending the flames, he keeps busy with other activities. He works on a historical novel. His adult daughter Sasha (Aida Tumutova) comes to visit. Local kids come to gaze at the flames. Gangsters, including a former Army sergeant (Aleksandr Mosin) and a sniper known as Bison (Yuri Matveyev), drop by to add special kindling to the fire.
Genres Drama, Crime
Stars Mikhail Skryabin, Yuri Matveyev, Aleksandr Mosin, Aida Tumutova, Anna Korotayeva
Directors Aleksey Balabanov, Aleksey Balabanov, Tatyana Kuzmichyova, Sergei Selyanov, Irina Pavlova
The Stoker