City of Desire
City of Desire
92 minutes
Sandra (Sandra Ng) is in for a serious dose of culture shock when she returns from her studies abroad to her home in Macau, where her father is the head of a major network of underground gambling, prostitution, and other assorted super-vices. Sandra's father is putting on the pressure for her to inherit his morally-corrupt throne, but her morals dictate that she have nothing to do with it. However, Sandra's childhood friend Josie (Josie Ho) has gotten herself into serious debt and desperately needs any help Sandra can offer. Will Sandra help her friend at the cost of her own morals? It's now up to her to decide between upholding her own beliefs and making serious ethical sacrifices for the sake of her friend.
Genres Crime, Drama
Stars Anthony Wong Chau-Sang, Sandra Ng Kwun-Yu, Josie Ho, Alex Fong Chung-Sun, Law Kar-Ying
Directors Manfred Wong Man-Chun, Manfred Wong Man-Chun, Lai Yiu-Fai, Marco Mak Chi-Sin, Raymond Yip Wai-Man
City of Desire