Pesantren Impian
Pesantren Impian
89 minutes
Ten girls get a mysterious invitation to stay in a dream boarding school. The secluded school was built by Gus Budiman to provide a second chance for those who have a dark past. Sissy, a model, came with her friend, Inong, who keeps their own problems. Butet has drugs problem. Sri comes with a prostitution scandal. While Rini who is looked innocent, gets pregnant out of wedlock. There are also other names with their own problems. Including Eni, a young policewoman, intelligent and ambitious, who is investigating the murder case at the Crystal Hotel and gets clues that the suspects are in the dream school.
Genres Drama, Thriller
Stars Prisia Nasution, Fachry Albar, Dinda Kanyadewi, Indah Permatasari, Deddy Sutomo
Directors Ifa Isfansyah, Asma Nadia, Alim Sudio, Hanung Bramantyo, Keliek Wicaksono
Pesantren Impian