Becker - Kungen av Tingsryd
Becker - Kungen av Tingsryd
87 minutes
Becker runs a business in Tingsryd, Sweden, specialized in garden furniture. In fact he sells everything you can make a profit from, including black labour from the Baltic countries. Becker, who is driven by his obsession with money and consumption, has built a local empire with his lucrative business. Now his business is being threatened, both from the in- and the outside.
Genres Comedy, Crime, Thriller, Drama
Stars Henrik Lilliér, Peter Lorentzon, Estelle Löfgren Hadir, Helen Sjöholm, Shanti Roney
Directors Martin Larsson, Martin Larsson, Benny Persson, Jenny Hildrin, Cecilia Björck
Becker - Kungen av Tingsryd