The Singing Shoes
The Singing Shoes
141 minutes
After the fall of the Berlin wall, now in his old age, the composer Edward Kazasyan discovers that his late wife, the singer Lia Ivanova, who survived communist labor camps, was forced to work for the secret services. Their dossiers in the State Security archives and her diary from childhood reveal the complicated fate of the singer, who strove the conquer the big stage while juggling a "second life" imposed on her by the system. Torn by doubts that his life was contrived and false, he once again relives their love and career in his loneliness, trying to find his place in this living puzzle.
Genres Drama
Stars Raya Peeva, Yulian Petrov, Ernestina Chinova, Aleksandar Aleksiev, Donna Bangiozova
Directors Sylvia Katsarska, Gergana Stankova, Viktor Chuchkov, Vesselin Hristov, Severina Stoyanova
The Singing Shoes