Dark Blue Girl
Dark Blue Girl
103 minutes
Luca is a strong-willed, soulful seven-year-old. After a two-year separation, her parents take her on a trip to pack up and sell their vacation home on a quiet island in the Aegean. Once there, her parents’ romantic connection is reignited. This newfound intimacy unsettles the family dynamic, as Luca suddenly ceases to be the center of attention. With childish cleverness and determination, she plays her parents against each other, intent on keeping her place as the center of their worlds.
Genres Drama
Stars Helena Zengel, Karsten Mielke, Artemis Chalkidou
Directors Mascha Schilinski, Mascha Schilinski, Fabian Gamper, Svenja Baumgärtner, Anne Schmidt
Dark Blue Girl