Once Upon a Time, Cinema
Once Upon a Time, Cinema
92 minutes
The film follows a character known as The Cinematographer, who is looking for someone called Atieh (Future). As he calls out to her, he is magically transported back in time from the early twentieth century to the reign of Naser al-Din Shah in 19th century Iran. Captured by the Shah's guards, he shows films from the history of Iranian cinema to the Shah. The Shah is entranced and eagerly shows his family the apparently magical medium.
Genres Fantasy, History, Comedy
Stars Ezzatollah Entezami, Mehdi Hashemi, Mohammadali Keshavarz, Akbar Abdi, Dariush Arjmand
Directors Mohsen Makhmalbaf, Mohsen Makhmalbaf, Mohammadmehdi Dadgoo, Iraj Taghipoor, Nemat Haghighi
Once Upon a Time, Cinema