Kubanisch rauchen
Kubanisch rauchen
88 minutes
Paul and Bernd take over a small upscale antique store together. On one nightly excursion, Bernd introduces Paul and Lisa with each other. What was intended as a little variety to marriage-like everyday life develops into a great romance accompanied by a threat: If Eva hears about the affair, the financing for the shop will be in danger. Slowly but surely, Paul is ready to give up everything for Lisa: the shop, Eva and especially the loan. Bernd knows that Dragan is his only hope.
Genres Comedy
Stars Leon Askin, Martin Brambach, Alfons Haider, Seymour Cassel, Thomas Morris
Directors Stephan Wagner, Stephan Wagner, Thomas Benesch, Gunnar Wanne-Eickel, Thomas Oláh
Kubanisch rauchen