Spöke på semester
Spöke på semester
75 minutes
"Ghost on Holiday" - Stockholm 1950 is experiencing a gold rush, after the discovery of gold during the building of the new underground. Assistant Borgkrona (Järrell) owns a plot in the gold area. The lawyer Målbrott informs Borgkrona that he has inherited a haunted castle and must stay there for a fortnight. However, once at the castle he meets his old relative who is a ghost (Järrell) and the two trade places
Genres Comedy
Stars Stig Järrel, Sven Magnusson, Åke Fridell, Arne Källerud, Douglas Håge
Directors Gösta Bernhard, Stig Bergendorff, Gösta Bernhard, Göran Strindberg, Gunnar Lundén-Welden
Spöke på semester