Love Story
Love Story
111 minutes
A simple and modest bachelor and film director Ha Sung Woo and a perfectionist interior coordinator Kim Soo In meet accidentally at a flea market. They are attracted to each other at first sight and begin to date. They quarrel often due to their personality differences but they confirm their love while they travel together to Chiri Mountain. But once Sung Woo wins Soo In's love, he begins to ignore her, which leads to their break up. However, they miss each other. Eventually Sung Woo waits outside Soo In's house one cold winter morning.
Genres Drama, Romance
Stars Bae Chang-ho, Jeon Moo-song, Sa Mi-ja, Lee Moon-sik, Sol Kyung-gu
Directors Bae Chang-ho, Bae Chang-ho, Bae Chang-ho
Love Story