Family Matters
Family Matters
104 minutes
Min-kyung, once a promising young dancer, is now running a small, shabby dance school in town. Her life gets even harder since her entire family is notoriously troublesome. Her father Won-jo is a dotard, her husband Sang-hoon, who aspires to become a film director but can't get himself to finish a screenplay, is jobless, and her son is reckless, calling his dad, ' Uncle '. However, she manages quite well despite their endless troubles until one day, she finds out that her husband has been cheating on her.
Genres Comedy, Drama
Stars Kim Yu-seok, Kim Ho-jung, Lee Soon-jae, Lee Seung-chae, Jeon Hye-jin
Directors Sun-ho Nam, Sun-ho Nam, Chung Seo-kyung
Family Matters