Potret Mistik
Potret Mistik
108 minutes
Jeff, a university student, was interested in writing an article about a haunted bungalow for his university bulletin. He found himself unavoidably drown to the bungalow that had many mysterious happenings surrounding it. When investigating strange lights at the bungalow, he found a portrait of a beautiful woman at the bungalow. Strange things began to happen when Jeff kept the portrait. That was when he found himself linked to the tragic deaths that once happened in the bungalow.
Genres Horror
Stars Cico Harahap, Lintang Asih, Khai AF, Winnie Kok, Erra Fazira
Directors A. Razak Mohaideen, A. Razak Mohaideen, A. Razak Mohaideen, Azhari Mohd Zain
Potret Mistik