98 minutes
Based on a true incident, Innocent is the compelling tale of five disparate lives that become inextricably entangled one cold Chicago morning. Told in real-time, Helix is America's first action crime drama ever to be shoot in one continuous take without any edits. Ashley, a beautiful young woman is abducted by two desperate urban youths. A street dweller, witnessing the dramatic events, is torn between becoming involved and remaining silent. Completing the cast of characters is a corrupt cop who too late realizes the devastating implications of his self-serving motives. The non-stop thriller, designed to be both gripping and thought-provoking, taps the themes of individual choice, courage, survival, loss of innocence and redemption.
Genres Drama, Thriller
Stars Alexa PenaVega, Austin O'Brien, Carlo Lorenzo Garcia, Nick Eversman, Alan Ball
Directors Aram Rappaport, Aram Rappaport