Rockin' Road Trip
Rockin' Road Trip
101 minutes
Martin meets Samantha, the sister of Nicole who is the leader of a band called "Chery Suicide". While Martin and Samantha are beginning a relationship, Nicole is trying to get away from her ex-boyfriend an insane punk rocker named Ivan. One night Ivan breaks in to Nicole and Samantha's apt. and they knock him unconscious. They run away in a taxi with Curtis the guitarist, Martin, and a blind street philosopher named Wally. They and the taxi driver make their way south to Virginia. In virginia they manage to buy instruments, a van, meet Lenny when their tire blows out, get chased by Ivan, give a concert, crash a Christian fair, and have a fun memorable time doing it.
Genres Comedy, Music
Stars Steve Boles, Margaret Currie, Leland Gantt, Katherine Harrison, Garth McLean
Directors William Olsen, William Olsen, William Olsen, Nancy Sterling, Michael Rothschild
Rockin' Road Trip