The Shadow Spirit
The Shadow Spirit
133 minutes
A series of murders of beautiful girls occur in Tokyo not long after the end of the war. Also the daughter of a retired actress, Yuzuki Yoko, has gone missing. In the meantime, a religious cult that claims to shut away misfortunes in a box has been gaining popularity, displaying an eerie aspect. Yoko's daughter is alleged to have been run over by a train, and taken into a research institute situated in a gigantic box-shaped building. A private detective Enokizu (Abe Hiroshi), a writer Sekiguchi (Shiina Kippei), a journalist Atsuko and a police detective Kiba each pursues their own case, and Chuzenji (Tsutsumi Shinichi), an owner of a secondhand bookshop, "Kyogoku Do" suspects that all cases are linked to the box-shaped research institute.
Genres Thriller, Crime
Stars Shinichi Tsutsumi, Kippei Shiina, Hiroshi Abe, Hiroyuki Miyasako, Akira Emoto
Directors Masato Harada, Masato Harada, Natsuhiko Kyogoku
The Shadow Spirit