Miss Bellboy
Miss Bellboy
40 minutes
Miss Lo leaves finishing school and returns to her parents’ hotel “Zum Weißen Schwan”. One of the chambermaids eloped with the bellboy and now the daughter has to help out – sometimes as a maid, sometimes in the guise of a bellboy. When she falls in love with Lieutenant Clairon, her male disguise begins to stand in her way. At a ball she has to to look on helplessly while he’s flirting with other women. But with the help of her friend Röschen, who’s the cousin of Clairon, a happy ending is attained.
Stars Dorrit Weixler, Franz Schwaiger, Alice Hechy, Ernst Lubitsch, Max Lehmann
Directors Franz Hofer, Franz Hofer, Max Maschke, Gotthardt Wolf, Fritz Kraenke
Miss Bellboy