By Hook or By Crook
By Hook or By Crook
94 minutes
'FLOWER KID' was a 'Robin Hood' type of hero who robs the rich and gives the poor. He was adored by many people especially a kid named 'FATSO', who considered himself as 'FLOWER KID jr.' Madam Bee, a woman of guts and evil hated 'FLOWER KID' because he once refused to kill her husband. She then married a rich 'Big Shot' and used his money and power to hire a bounty hunter called 'SKINNY'. Skinny caught the imitating hero 'Fatso'. They fought, understood, became good friends and went on look for 'Flower Kid'...
Genres Action, Comedy
Stars Sammo Hung, Wu Ma, Karl Maka, Dean Shek, Paul Chung Fat
Directors Karl Maka, Raymond Wong, Karl Maka, Manny Hoh Ming, Tony Chow Kwok-Chung
By Hook or By Crook