The Upthrown Stone
The Upthrown Stone
84 minutes
An aspiring film student is denied a scholarship to the state-funded university when his father is thrown in jail. The man had stopped a train in order to facilitate the union between two old friends. The son then takes a job as a land surveyor and meets a Greek man who works towards the collective benefits of the peasants. The man is killed in a peasant uprising prompted by a bureaucratic boondoggle. The surveyor looks after the man's widow as his emerging political and social awareness leads him take a stand against government injustice. Another incident, in which gypsies are rounded up by state hygiene workers, further galvanizes the man's beliefs. He photographs the incident, and his work allows him to be accepted into the school from which he was previously denied admission.
Genres Drama
Stars Lajos Balázsovits, Nadesda Kazassian, Todor Todorov, László Bánhidi, István Iglódi
Directors Sándor Sára, Sándor Csóori, Ferenc Kósa, Sándor Sára, András Szőllősy
The Upthrown Stone