Dancehall Queen
Dancehall Queen
98 minutes
Street vendor Marcia is scraping together a living in the ghetto section of Kingston, Jamaica. Her young daughter is being hounded by a rich sugar daddy who has been supporting the family; her brother's life is being threatened by a local thug. So, when the licentious patron threatens to abandon the family, and her brother breaks down under pressure, Marcia hits bottom. She needs to escape to a haven where she can get lost in fantasy; Marcia, don in sex-me-up clothing and outrageous glamour, finds refuge in the beats of the very dance hall outside of which she normally vends.
Genres Drama
Stars Audrey Reid, Carl Davis, Mark Danvers, Henry Brown, Carl Bradshaw
Directors Don Letts, Suzanne Fenn, Don Letts, Chris Blackwell, Carl Bradshaw
Dancehall Queen