MW: The Devil's Game
MW: The Devil's Game
108 minutes
The main character is a man named Takashi Morioka, who has lost his job and his home due to a recession. He ends up falling into a trap set by the diabolical Yuki Michio, who happened to survive by chance an incident on an island 16 years ago where all the inhabitants were killed, and which caused him to become evil. In order to protect the things important to him, Takashi Morioka (Sato Takeru) is forced to stain his hands in evil.
Genres Crime, Drama
Stars Takeru Satoh, Mitsuki Tanimura, Keisuke Koide, Hiroshi Tamaki, Miki Kanai
Directors Hitoshi Iwamoto, Kimura Haruo, Osamu Tezuka, Nobuhiro Sako, Kazuyuki Yokoji
MW: The Devil's Game