A Daughter of Eve
A Daughter of Eve
55 minutes
FRAGMENT | Solicitor von Ramm lives alone with his little daughter, whom he had with his teenage sweetheart Klara. At a party, he randomly encounters Klara, who has since married the talented pulmologist von Esmarck. Ramm gives into Klara’s desire to see their child again, and the love between them is suddenly rekindled. When the child falls ill, Ramm has to beg Dr. von Esmarck to help, and he finally relents only when Klara reveals that the child is hers. However, von Esmarck is wrongfully convicted of the murder of his old uncle, and Ramm must act as prosecutor against the doctor who just saved his child’s life. In connection with the trial, the scales fall from Klara’s eyes, and she now knows with certainty where her heart belongs. Stumfilm.dk
Stars Valdemar Psilander, Ellen Aggerholm, Carl Lauritzen, Cajus Bruun, Franz Skondrup
Directors Hjalmar Davidsen
A Daughter of Eve