Three Infallible Rules
Three Infallible Rules
101 minutes
Bruno, 13, is in a panic: he has discovered that his love is reciprocated by Flavia, but he has no idea how to start a relationship. He needs someone to teach him and, coincidentally Luca, whom he despises, is the only man who has managed to make his stonehearted mother Claudia fall in love. Bruno will be forced to put aside any contrast and follow the advice of his worst enemy. What Bruno doesn’t know is that Luca and his mother live a very fragile, undermined, not at all exemplary relationship.
Stars Cristiana Dell'Anna, Roberta Riganò, Emmanuele Aita, Matteo Olivetti
Directors Marco Gianfreda, Marco Gianfreda, Claudio Di Mauro, Cristina Raffaeli, Massimiliano Forlenza
Three Infallible Rules