Spit in My Face
Spit in My Face
60 minutes
This small, personal, honest experiment on a minimalist budget is edited from 12 years of nostalgic archival footage and ironical pranks. Mostly it is Manfred behind the camera. He follows Kristjan’s encounters and drunken conversations with the self-proclaimed cinema pioneer Eedi. Chess master Eedi can barely walk and can’t hear, but bitterly scorns Kristjan for filmmaking. Unstoppable dreamer, Kristjan continues to imagine a long-postponed film about the painter Jüri Arrak with never-ending hope to leave a mark in Estonian culture.
Genres Documentary
Stars Kristjan Svirgsden, Edvard Oja, Manfred Vainokivi
Directors Manfred Vainokivi, Manfred Vainokivi, Manfred Vainokivi, Marju Lepp, Harmo Kallaste
Spit in My Face