The Boy in the Tree
The Boy in the Tree
86 minutes
Göte is a young teen who seems to be at odds with his family and may not know his own mind that well either. Discontented and rebellious, Göte joins up with two mean-spirited game poachers in spite of the fact that he loves animals and nature. This contradiction between his own feelings and his need to rebel reaches a climax when a forest ranger starts to track down the young men in ever-tightening circles.
Genres Drama
Stars Tomas Bolme, Heinz Hopf, Björn Gustafson, Anders Henrikson, Birgitta Pettersson
Directors Eric Nordemar, Arne Sucksdorff, Arne Sucksdorff, Jan Boleslaw, Arne Sucksdorff
The Boy in the Tree