Suburban Tale
Suburban Tale
89 minutes
Radhika is not having a good weekend. She’s on the verge of losing her crappy job for a shady credit card company, she can’t pay rent, and she has to go home for her sister’s wedding despite being estranged from the family. Once she arrives, it only gets worse. Her family is hiding a young boy possessed by a demon, and they expect her to help keep him secret from their, soon-to-be, very wealthy in-laws. As Radhika loses control of the demonic child and begins to show signs of possession herself, both her family and her past race toward an inevitably violent conclusion.
Genres Horror
Stars Rashmi Somvanshi, Sunita Hooda, Ansh Pandey, Dev Chauhan, Sarthak Chauhan
Directors Stephen Alexander, Rashmi Somvanshi, Stephen Alexander, Rashmi Somvanshi, Sukesh Vishwanath
Suburban Tale