Double Clutch
Double Clutch
87 minutes
Hiromi Go plays a high school student who need's a role model in his life badly. He's raised by his older sister played by Keiko Matsuzaka who is a hostess at a night club. She meets a man who becomes her boy friend. He races in a off road car rally professionally. The same man becomes Go's role model and teaches him sophisticated car driving technique. One of the technique taught is 'double clutch' ( Thus the movie's title Double Kuracchi ) to make gear transition smoothly between shifts. Through a misfortunate accident Matsuzaka's character dies and Go is left to fend for his life. Hiromi Go was a big pop idol in Japan when this movie was created. Both Go and Matsuzaka still enjoys high celebrity status in Japan.
Genres Drama
Stars Keiko Matsuzaka, Hiromi Go, Takeo Chii, Gō Awazu, Yutaka Hayashi
Directors Shigeyuki Yamane, James Miki, Hiroyuki Itsuki, Noritaka Sakamoto, Hiro Tsunoda
Double Clutch