Boneshop of the Heart
Boneshop of the Heart
53 minutes
This highly original and thought-provoking film explores a rich vein of visual expression and American individuality through incisive portraits of five contemporary southern folk artists, four of whom are African-American. The film reveals art forms so radically different from familiar folk traditions that the artists -- "Tin Man" Charlie Lucas, Vollis Simpson, Thornton Dial, Bessie Harvey, and "Sandman" Lonnie Bradley Holley -- defy classification. Variously known as "outsider" or "visionary" artists, they create unique aesthetic forms that challenge traditional distinctions between "fine" and "folk" art.
Genres Documentary
Stars Bessie Harvey, Thornton Dial Sr., Charlie 'Tinman' Lucas, Lonnie Holley, Vollis Simpson
Directors Scott Crocker
Boneshop of the Heart