Kichka: Life is a cartoon
Kichka: Life is a cartoon
75 minutes
Michel Kichka (born 1954 in Liège) is a renowned cartoonist and illustrator living in Jerusalem. In his graphic novel Second Generation, he addresses the impact the traumatization of his father, Holocaust survivor Henri Kichka (born 1926 in Brussels), had on him and his siblings. The publication forms the beginning of a long journey through the past into the future. The film follows father and son Kichka during two intensive years in Israel, Belgium, France with many interlocutors. In one of the most intense moments of the film, father and son go to the place where Henri was arrested by the Gestapo in 1942. The 63-year-old Michel has never been there before, the 91-year-old Henri avoids this place, which for him is filled with the worst feelings ever, it manifests in him the second that was to change his life forever horrible.
Stars Henri Kichka, Michel Kichka
Directors Delfina Jalowik, Adam Uryniak, Delfina Jalowik, Jürgen Kaumkötter
Kichka: Life is a cartoon