Tiger Stripes
Tiger Stripes
95 minutes
Twelve year old Zaffan lives in a small rural community in Malaysia. In full puberty, she realizes that her body is changing at an alarming rate. Her friends turn away from her when a mass hysteria hits the school. Fear spreads and a doctor intervenes to chase away the demon that haunts the girls. Like a tiger harassed and dislodged from its habitat, Zaffan decides to reveal its true nature, its fury, its rage and its beauty.
Genres Drama, Horror
Stars Zafreen Zairizal, Deena Ezral, Piqa, Shaheizy Sam, June Lojong
Directors Amanda Nell Eu, Foo Fei Ling, Patrick Mao Huang, Fran Borgia, Juliette Lepoutre
Tiger Stripes