Story of Japanese Chivalry: Flower of a Chivalrous Man
Story of Japanese Chivalry: Flower of a Chivalrous Man
79 minutes
In the early years of the twentieth-century a young gambler returns to his home town where he finds the gang of which he was once a member engaged in a feud with a rival gang. Though he successfully settles their differences he is turned out of the organization for the way in which accomplishes it. Upon his return he finds that the fortunes of the group have declined - there has been treachery and desertion. This time with the approval of the seniors he settles the differences with a duel. After winning, however, he declines the position of gang-boss, preferring his freedom, and once more leaves town.
Genres Action, Crime
Stars Hideki Takahashi, Masako Izumi, Asao Uchida, Tamio Kawachi, Ken Yamauchi
Directors Haruyasu Noguchi, Hisataka Kai, Muneo Ueda, Hajime Kaburagi
Story of Japanese Chivalry: Flower of a Chivalrous Man