Takashi Shimada
Takashi Shimada
A graduate of Hatushiba High School (Higashi-ku, Sakai), up until 1984 he went by the name Takashi Kaneyama (金山 隆司,, Kaneyama Takashi). He frequently attends movie premieres, events, and interviews by himself and has the more exposure of the duo. These appearances have led to his being jokingly referred to as "The Non-Working Half of Yude". He claims to have been a naughty child in his younger days and that his favorite show was a TV Drama called Playgirl. He loved to read and draw manga, and before he met Nakai he would often draw Kinnikuman on notebook paper.
Known For Writing
Most Rating 1.227
Birthday 1960-10-28
Place of Birth Osaka, Japan
Also Known As Yudetamago, ゆでたまご, 金山隆司, Takashi Kaneyama,