Japanese Hell
Japanese Hell
102 minutes
From the king of the Japanese cult movie, Teruo Ishii! A controversial film in which actual cases that rocked modern-day Japan—including the sarin gas attack by the Aum Shinrikyo Cult—are dramatized with gruesome detail as their perpetrators stand trial in Hell. An angst-ridden girl, Rika, is carried off to Hell by an old woman she meets in a neighborhood park. There she gets a first-hand look at the excruciating agony of those found guilty—by Lucifer himself—of committing heinous crimes during their time on Earth.
Genres Horror
Stars Mutsumi Fujita, Hisayoshi Hirayama, Yôko Satomi, Kenpachirō Satsuma, Kinako Satō
Directors Teruo Ishii, Tomoki Yanagida, Jiro Takemura, Motohiro Noguchi, Teruo Ishii
Japanese Hell