Twelve Days
Twelve Days
89 minutes
Like her directorial debut Twelve Nights, Twelve Days depicts 12 scenes of a tumultuous marriage, from its blissful beginning through its bitter collapse. On day one, Jeannie and Simon seem to have the makings of a perfect marriage, but the following 11 vignettes reveal the various conflicts, both big and small, that slowly eat away at their bond. Love may build a marriage, but Twelve Days shows that reality can just as easily shatter it.
Genres Romance, Drama
Stars Stephy Tang Lai-Yan, Edward Ma, Johnny Hui, So Chi-Ho, Hui Yin
Directors Aubrey Lam Oi-Wah, Aubrey Lam Oi-Wah, Ng Kin-hung, Jam Yau Chung-Yip, Angela Chiu Dan-Kei
Twelve Days