The Peacock King
The Peacock King
86 minutes
Coerced by the evil Witch Raga, Ashura, the Hell Virgin, attempts to unlock the four Earth holes that lead to the Gates of Hell. Together, Raga aims to control the Earth. However, two monks skilful in magical powers set off on a journey to the cities to obstruct Ashura from unlocking the gates and stop Raga. Otherwise, not only will control of the Earth be at stake, but the King of Hell will resurrect and darkness will overcome the world.
Genres Horror, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Action
Stars Yuen Biao, Gloria Yip Wan-Yee, Pauline Wong Siu-Fung, Hiroshi Mikami, Eddy Ko Hung
Directors Lam Ngai Kai, Yoshino Maki, Phillip Chung-Fung Kwok, Stephen Tung Wai, Chiang Hsing-Lung
The Peacock King