Ninety Minutes
Ninety Minutes
98 minutes
The film revolves around romantic Adel (Samo Zein) and the simple girl Nesma (Zeina) dreaming of a quiet family that combines them, but his mother (Nahal Anbar) and his grandfather (Adil Hashim) stood in front of realizing this dream rejecting its connection to the aspect of the different social level between them at the time I tried it Sherine (Ghada Abdel Razek) Wishing to the heart of Adel where she fell in the fine is the other, but Adel insists on associating with the girl of his dreams and leave the house trying to achieve their dream, but the wind comes not to desire ships,
Stars Samo Zein, Ghada Abdel Razek, Zeina, Nehal Anbar, Hagag Abdel Azim
Ninety Minutes