The Abalone Gals
The Abalone Gals
85 minutes
South of Tokyo is a small island until quite recently relatively unchanged since feudal times. Now, however, it is being made into a tourist's playland and the girls, who had been abalone divers, now become geisha, and the old ways of the island are all topsy-turvy. One of the girls, more sensitive than the rest, sees that here, too, people are motivated only by greed and decides to leave and try to find a better life elsewhere.
Genres Comedy
Stars Akiko Nakamura, Kyōko Ōgimachi, Hoki Tokuda, Bokuzen Hidari, Masumi Harukawa
Directors Naozumi Yamamoto, Toshirō Ishidō, Yoichi Maeda, Yoichi Maeda, Haruo Obara
The Abalone Gals